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Thie Vision of KINGDOM CHRISTIAN LEARNING CENTERS OF AMERICA is to launch a New Socio-Economic Movement, that will forever break the cyclical failure of Financial co-dependency & Adult Literacy, Financial Literacy, and Under Employment in America.  Our vision is simple and Two-Fold, to offer a better alternative to Concerned Parents  that want something better for their kids, to avoid all of the trappings that now go along with the average Public School System in America and secondly to educate and empower both the parents and children of low-income At Risk Communities, by being an Advocate in the Community using the greatest, most powerful medium of our century - The Local Church. (from Morning chapel to Afterschool) ​At the end of the day we at KCC want to establish in every church in America a new "Kingdom Christian Academy" at Refuge Temple or First Baptist that reflects our curriculum and your local church ethics in a Kingdom Approach to Learning...


KCC, was designed for Children & Family, Pastors & Community
Get Vested, Make an Impact Start Today!



About us

At The Kingdom Christian Corporation, inc. KCC, the corporate roll out for Kingdom Christian Leaning Centers Of America. KCC, founded by April Bonner-Archer, who's family has been vested in Education for more than 20yrs as her grandfather is the founder of The W.L. Bonner College.  Her vision along with a stellar executive board, is to give inner-city children and those of hardworking and single parent households, every possible advantage in technology, innovation & dignity. I've spent over 8years planning this roll out, exploring and spending the time to find the absolute best school curriculum available today!  My grandparents, a Preacher and a Retired Detroit Public School Teacher who built schools along side of his churches not only here but in other continents as well, certainly blaze the path and inearthed the passion that lies within me for empowering inner city communities across America. I understand innercity families and I understand church government and its losses after the last few years of economic downturn. They are two major problems for which we have found a solutions- A KINGDOM SOLUTION...  The recent Trayvon Martin Fiasco reminds us that there is a crisis in raising young men and we are calling on the greatest resource in America our Local Church and Pastors, to get the job done.  Who better to serve as our Local School Chancellors than your Pastors and Youth Directors who are already vested in your neighborhood. Why not empower them with the tools to bring socio-economic deliverance to your locaal community.  KCC offers a National Educational Franchise that I suspect will become a National Movement of elevation and triumph for us all, because we are as a National Community no stronger than the schools  that are impacting our youth. 


It is therefore the Mission of Kingdom Christian Learning Centers Of America, (developed along the concept lines of the Kumon Learning Centers) is to "Create a Christian Environment" that helps your child overcome all any and all obstacles whether academic, family, socio-economic or otherwise, we are committed to helping all children go to the head of the class, eliminating the massive high school drop-out rate, sending countless inner-city kids to a secure future in Higher Education, balancing the scales and counteracting the statistices by giving inner city youth in every city in America the latest tools in technology... Empowering them to compete in an agressive and competitive White Collar Career, Workforce & Society. We impliment the totality of learning through a "Kingdom Approach" to learning, creating the end before the beginning encouraging primary age children to choose a Major and then back up and give them years of defined structure and external influences to help even "At Risk" youth and children with learning disabilities to achieve their goal...


(My greatest muse was my beautiful daughter to your right.  Grace Christianna-Marie, who in 5th Grade, we discovered had a learning disability and in the State of Florida we persued avenues of counteracting this newly exposed disease. I went back to school to change my major to Exceptional Edcuation and KCC was Born. Our Board was designed to advance all the children of America regardless of their racial background, economic status or previous academic struggles. Through this powerful new KCC curriculum, Grace is now an avid reader and loves to research on her own history and biology even in her free time in summer. I know first hand that Kingdom Christian Academy will work for you, for your family, your students, your community ... 

Kingdom Christian Learning Centers of America have fostered a new and powerful organization of advocates who are commited to your children becoming "Our Children" supplimenting education in more than just academics but through Kingdom Man and Kingdom Princess our (Girls Sorrority), and re-igniting the age old art of The Kingdom Debate Team. KCC fosters conflict resolution through a more evolved, calculated platform that will encourage our children to become more passionate and express the modern issues of the day.

Our mission is to create refined youth who have been duely processed and able to conduct themselves in any sphere of influence, helping to develop in them character and dignity, mutual respect, community envolvement, and spiritual enrichment, connecting children back to their creator God, to get first hand knowledge of His plan for their life, based on the development of God-given talents and potential. KCC along with a multiplicity of Pastors, Educators and Churches.  Committed to every child's success, we are Armed with supplementing our academic curriculum with a multiplicity of Financial Literacy Financial Household Budgeting Plans as well as career planning, New Home Ownership and Christian Values voiced through a multiplicity of Christian Book Authors that proport and support an empowerment movement in helping to teach a lifestyle of overcoming success against all odd- Teaching that all things are possible to them that are in Christ Jesus, that despite their family's socio-economic position they can position themselves as the head and not the tail of society. This is The Kingdom Approach To Learning- Empowering You To Succeeed, Changing lives and Whole Communities through Multi-Generational Training that starts with our patented Joint 7AM Chapel Service Weekly, bringing both children and families to the table for their own advancement, engaging the retirement community and the christian community is an envaluable piece to our success, because it is on their greatness belief and work ethic that we have been empowered to succeed .  On behalf of all the Pastors who have agreed to champion the cause of Youth In America- This is what we're about, "Your Kids are Our Kids and belong to our Community and We The Executive Board and Presbyters Board of KCC, accept and acknowlege the assignment, that this is what we are about, so now let us all make a better investment and excercise ownership as we launch new schools in this iconic summer transitioning from spectator to trendsetter...  

Call Our National Director Today! (803)313.4333 Do your part, start a new Kingdom Christian Learning Center in Your Area Nationwide...



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